Conference Programme

On the first day, Wednesday 20 September, the welcome and registration of participants will begin at 9am. The East European Network for Philosophy of Science (EENPS) pre-conference roundtable will start at the same time, with the official opening being scheduled for 11am. On the final day, Saturday 23 September, the last parallel sessions are scheduled to finish at 4.30pm, before the closing event which is set to be held at 5pm.

You can access the programme via this link: 

You can check the abstracts here.

The program has been created with the aim of optimizing the conference experience both for those participants who enjoy the large selection of talks and take joy in picking and choosing, as well as for those participants who find parallel sessions confusing, or feel lost among the many participants. For this purpose, a number of tracks have been created in the program to support the emergence of temporary micro-communities within this big event. A visual overview of these will soon be posted on the conference web page.

Parallel sessions means that many talks are presented at the same time, and although the track structure has also been aimed at enabling participants with a particular interest to attend as many talks as possible related to this interest, it cannot be avoided that many participants will nevertheless find multiple talks in the same time slot that they would all have liked to attend. Similarly, talks can be grouped together in many different ways to create sessions with different framings of the talks included. Alas, creating a conference program is a complex multi-dimensional puzzle that has no perfect solution - but instead many solutions that are all within the range of the acceptable. Hopefully, you will enjoy the program produced. 

Conference Cocktail Dinner

The conference cocktail dinner will take place on the evening of Friday 22 September, from 7pm to 10pm, at the Aeroklub Restaurant.

Special Meetings and Events

Apart from the regular talks, posters and keynotes, EPSA23 also features a list of exciting meetings and satellite events:

  • Wednesday 20 September, 9:00-11:00: EENPS Pre-Conference Roundtable: “The State of Philosophy of Science in East and Central Europe”
  • Wednesday 20 September, 11:00-11:30: Opening Event
  • Thursday 21 September, 13:00-13:30: EJPS "Meet the Editors" session
  • Thursday 21 September, 13:30-14:30: Meeting on Open Access
  • Thursday 21 September, 13:30-14:30: PhD Students / Junior Scholars event: “Meeting with Student Representatives at EPSA” (TBC)
  • Thursday 21 September, 18:00-19:30: General Assembly of the EPSA
  • Thursday 21 September, 20:00: PhD Students / Junior Scholars event: “Meeting at a local bar” (TBC)
  • Friday 22 September, 13:00-14:30: Women’s Caucus Lunch meeting
  • Saturday 23 September, 17:00-17:30: Closing Event

Pre-Conference Roundtable - EENPS

"Roundtable on The State of Philosophy of Science in East and Central Europe"

The gradual reintegration of Central and Eastern Europe into European institutions had a noticeable positive impact on the academic research and cooperation in all disciplines, including Philosophy of Science. Scholars from the region are increasing their participation in the European research communities through research projects, increased mobility, academic positions at the departments at various European Universities and their participation at the philosophy of science associations and conferences such as the EPSA. The continuous support of the EPSA is largely appreciated most notably by junior scholars. Further indication of the improvements is the establishment of the EENPS promoting Philosophy of Science and the European values of openness in the region through regular biennial conferences. The region is becoming more attractive not only to the CEE scholars, but also to the junior scholars from abroad.

Despite these positive developments, the philosophers of science from the Central and Eastern Europe face a number of specific problems in the region. For instance, a solid institutional support for obtaining funding may be insufficient or entirely lacking. Travelling opportunities may be more limited. Moreover, the institutions tend to be less international (due to language requirements, less attractive salaries, administrative barriers, etc.). There is also an issue of information flow - some calls do not reach or are not available to philosophers in the region. At the same time, a number of successful institutions and their practices could serve as role models, but the information exchange in the region is often very limited.

Addressing these issues is important not just for those working in the region, but also for the wider philosophy of science community.

The roundtable is aimed at recognising and formulating strategies of how to deal with some of the main issues. This is also why it includes diverse contributors: those early and later in their career, those working in the region, those that moved to the region, and those who moved out of the region.


  • Jaana Eigi-Watkin, University of Tartu
  • Lilia Gurova, New Bulgarian University
  • Elena Popa, Jagiellonian University
  • Daniel Kostic, Leiden University
  • Javier Suárez, University of Oviedo
  • Gabriel Tarziu, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Organised by:

  • Borut TRPIN (MCMP/LMU Munich) - Main organiser and moderator
  • Michal HLADKY (University of Geneva) - co-organiser
  • Martin ZACH (Czech Academy of Sciences) - co-organiser

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