• 09 Jan 2024 11:22 | EPSA (Administrator)

    A final message from your Student Representatives, Bobby and Stéphanie: With our time as your EPSA representatives having drawn to a close, we are looking for two new representatives who will continue to advocate for the interests of EPSA’s junior scholar community.

    During the last two years we were able to successfully carry on, in collaboration with the Steering Committee, the EPSA Fellowship Programme (facilitating research visits for Eastern-European scholars at academic institutes across Europe) and the Mentoring Scheme (enabling junior scholars to receive support in a variety of academic-related matters). Moreover, we launched several new initiatives of our own, including:

    • the organization of online social gatherings in the leadup to the EPSA2023 conference,
    • the revitalization of the “Philosophy of Science in Europe” newsletter,
    • a PhD students' round table during EPSA2023,
    • a dedicated section on the EPSA website for PhD student portraits,
    • an informal meeting in a bar during EPSA2023 that attracted around 50 participants.

    These events not only facilitated meaningful exchanges between junior scholars, but also provided valuable opportunities for collaboration within the philosophical community.

    Lastly, the Steering Committee has agreed to the organization of an academic event centred on highlighting the plurality of intellectual traditions in philosophy of science in Europe, on which Bobby will continue to work with the Steering Committee in the months to come (further details TBA in the near future).

    We warmly invite all those who held student status during the EPSA23 conference and who are interested in providing help and support to the EPSA junior scholar community to apply for the EPSA Student Representative positions. As Student Reps you will be able to propose new initiatives, help carry on existing projects, represent the interests of PhD students and junior scholars (broadly construed), and convey any questions, comments, and other forms of feedback from junior scholars to the Steering Committee. Please note that it is *not* required for applicants to hold student status for the entire two-year duration of the Student Representative position.

    Your application should contain your name, current affiliation, and a short (up to 150 words) bio mentioning any activities/initiatives that you would like to put forward as the next EPSA Student Rep. Please send your applications directly to

    You can submit your application until Thursday 8 February 2024.

    The next two EPSA Student Representatives will be elected in online voting which will be held after the list of applicants is closed.

  • 08 Nov 2023 09:40 | EPSA (Administrator)

    We are very pleased to announce that the 5th Graduate Student Essay Prize was awarded in its new format during our biennial conference in Belgrade. 

    This year, there are two ex aequo winning articles:

    Our warmest congratulations to the authors!

  • 19 Sep 2023 12:00 | EPSA (Administrator)

    We are happy to announce that the following members have been elected to the Steering Committee:

    • Vincenzo Crupi (Vice-President)
    • Sara Green (Officer)
    • Vlasta Sikimić (Officer)

    Congratulations to them and thanks to everyone who ran for election. Standing down from the Steering Committee this year are:

    • Sabina Leonelli (Vice-President)
    • Ellen Clarke (Officer)
    • Maria Jiménez-Buedo (Officer)

    We thank them for their excellent service!

  • 13 Sep 2023 17:47 | EPSA (Administrator)

    On the occasion of EPSA23, we are resuming our "Philosophy of Science in Europe" interview series! In this new issue, Vlasta Sikimić talks to us about the current state of the field in Serbia.

    Many thanks to María Jiménez Buedo and Bobby Vos for this initiative!

  • 08 Sep 2023 12:00 | EPSA (Administrator)

    The 2023 Steering Committee Elections are now open. All paid-up EPSA members in good standing are eligible to vote in the elections. (Login required) Read more…

  • 01 Sep 2023 12:00 | EPSA (Administrator)

    The European Philosophy of Science Association calls for proposals for the venue of EPSA25, its 10th Biennial Conference, to be held in the autumn of 2025. The biennial conference is the main scientific event of the EPSA, typically attracting 200-300 philosophers of science from across the world. It usually comprises 200 contributed and symposia talks, organized in as many as eight different sections, and taking place in five or six parallel sessions. A selection of papers from the conference will be published as a special edition of the European Journal for Philosophy of Science.

    The conference is typically hosted by a philosophy of science unit, and its venue must be a recognized European academic or research institution. The event takes place in the autumn over a period of 3-4 days in alternating years to the conference of the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA). Past conferences have taken place in Madrid (2007), Amsterdam (2009), Athens (2011), Helsinki (2013), Düsseldorf (2015), Exeter (2017), Geneva (2019) and Turin (2021). EPSA23 will take place in Belgrade, Serbia.

    A Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is set up at the host institution -- with a remit to organize the event itself. About one year in advance, the Steering Committee (SC) of the EPSA puts out a call for papers and selects a Programme Committee (PC) comprising distinguished philosophers of science. The LOC, SC, and PC are non-overlapping sets of people, with the exception of the Chairs of the LOC and PC, who may be drawn from the SC.

    Proposals (one PDF document) should be submitted to the President of the Association (Prof. Stéphanie Ruphy | email: by November 15, 2023 and must include the following:

    • The name of the organizing unit or research institution.
    • The name of the academic or research institute hosting the event.
    • The proposed dates in the autumn of 2025 (expected to be a long weekend between end of August and end of November 2025).
    • The names of the members of the LOC, including Chair(s) and/or Deputy (please note that the members of the LOC have to be EPSA members).
    • The CV of the Chair(s) of the LOC.
    • An estimated budget proposal, including rough estimates for the following expenses: a) building and facilities, b) catering, c) conference registration packs (200 delegates minimum), d) personnel, e) expected financial contribution by the host institution and/or a funding agency.

    For more information about our past conferences, click here or contact us at

  • 09 Mar 2023 16:53 | EPSA (Administrator)

    The European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) announces 16 EPSA Fellowships to visit a leading research institution in Western Europe. 

    The deadline for applications is 17 April 2023.

    Full details can be found here.

  • 11 Mar 2022 11:45 | EPSA (Administrator)

    (updated on 17 Mar 2022 11:15)

    The Steering Committee of EPSA stands, together with other academic societies and scholarly organisations, and the academic world at large, in support of the suffering people of Ukraine and their families and friends all over Europe and elsewhere. We also express our support to Russian colleagues who oppose the war, often at great personal risk.

    Scientific research is only possible through collaborations with our colleagues from across the globe, thereby building on a mutual commitment to and belief in universal human rights, dignity and equality. EPSA will always strive for a plural and diversified research community, which is committed to those values. We reiterate the critical role of science diplomacy in fostering the global endeavours of science and scholarship, and supporting individuals pursuing research, often already under restricted conditions. We must not let war divide us. We therefore call on all universities, institutes, and academic institutions around the world to open their doors to students, researchers, and academics from Ukraine, and advocate for continued cooperation with Russian and Belarusian individual scholars sharing those values.

    We will do our best to alleviate the negative implications of this war for the professional life of our members, and we are committed to assisting international students and scholars leaving zones of conflict in Ukraine. All refugees of war, independent of their passport and race, should receive protection, support and offers of humanitarian assistance. EPSA is currently working towards extending its Fellowship program to include researchers at any level of seniority who have been affected by the war. Opportunities for financial and institutional support will be announced on our website as soon as we confirm participation from potential hosting institutions. For suggestions or inquiries, please write to

    For an updated list of relevant resources and events, please go to the excellent site maintained by the Eastern European Network for Philosophy of Science: 

    The EPSA supports the statement by our colleagues in the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) and notes their effort to also assist scholars displaced by the war.

    The statement is available in PDF format here.

  • 07 Feb 2022 17:07 | EPSA (Administrator)

    We are very happy to announce the results of the recent EPSA student representatives’ elections. For the next two years (2021-23 term), your interests in EPSA Steering Committee will be represented by our colleagues Bobby Vos (University of Cambridge) and Stéphanie Debray (Université de Lorraine).


  • 09 Nov 2021 10:15 | EPSA (Administrator)

    Following the elections that took place in June-July, the new Steering Committee has now officially taken over since early September. Here is the new composition:

    • Stephanie Ruphy (President)
    • Sabina Leonelli (Vice President)
    • Lilia Gurova (Treasurer)
    • Catherine Herfeld
    • Edouard Machery
    • Caterina Marchionni
    • Federica Russo
    • Marcel Weber
    • Ellen Clarke
    • María Jiménez-Buedo

    We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the former members of the Steering Committee for their excellent service.

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